TRIANGLE is Europe's Next Generation Sustainable & Responsible Tourism Learning Delivery Network, focused on Europe’s destinations with protected areas. We are working together as an Erasmus-funded Knowledge Alliance to deliver graduate level, industry-facing tourism sustainability learning experiences to support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for tourism businesses, destination administrations, academics and students alike. For our work and services we are using the platform.

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The TRIANGLE Knowledge Alliance is using for managing, networking and dissemination
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What we do

Our Services for making tourism more sustainable


A European-wide Sustainable Tourism Research and Monitoring Higher Education & Business Network consisting of 22 HEIs focused on Europe’s protected areas and green destinations.

A collaborative tourism sustainability knowledge base, designed as the Portal with a collaborative knowledge management system.

A Tourism Sustainable Development Open Educational Resource Kit, including Sustainable Development of Tourism online courses, the global Green Mapping System, Certification Quickfinder and Best Practice Browser.

A Europe-wide student intern placement system offering in-situ and online certification & auditor skills training.

These achievements can be used as Going Green toolkit for SMEs and Destinations.

European Tourism Going Green 2030 Report


TRIANGLE KA Network Collaborative Knowledge Base TOURISM2030 Drivers Test Certification Course SDT Course & Handbook Internship Programme Travel Green Europe App Certification Quickfinder Good Practice BrowserGoing Green Programme  

Link: TRIANGLE project