European Tourism Going Green Report 2021
This folder will be used to develop the Going Green 2030
European Tourism SME Sustainability Report.

Background and Orientation
In the first year of operation, The TRIANGLE Knowledge Alliance post-project phase has successfully delivered the European Tourism Going Green 2030 project as a selected project funding application that involves the TRIANGLE KA members in a post-project collaborative action. The aim of the ETGG application in relation to the TRIANGLE KA was to use the project to strengthen the role of the Knowledge Alliance members as bone fide sustainable tourism knowledge, education and training centres.
In the ETGG 2030 project design, a complete work package on developing sustainable tourism stakeholder knowledge networking systems was factored in to enhance the KAs ICT capabilities. Specifically, this involves taking the Tourism 2030 site developed in the TRIANGLE project to the next level of functionality with the aim of providing online European-wide knowledge and tools to assist both SMEs and the destinations in which the operate to achieve sustainability.
To achieve this the project provides each TRIANGLE KA Member with an opportunity to contribute to a European report on SME tourism sustainability. The report needs to be produced on a country-by- country basis to provide overall EU coverage, with TRIANGLE Knowledge Alliance providing the main framework for the collaborative research process.
Focus on the Tourism Sustainability Report Collaborative Research Process
This report is a deliverable of the ETGG 2030 project that will be used to inform stakeholders of the current state of play of the development of tourism SME sustainability across Europe. HNEE will coordinate the research and have designed a report contents list for discussion.
Once the content is defined for the report, Ecotrans will construct an online report format that will be integrated into the Tourism 2030 portal as part of the TRIANGLE knowledge base section. The report sections will be made available through a national level landing page that will also serve as each Tourism Sustainability European Knowledge Education and Training Centre’s common European knowledge pool.
Training and support will be provided for the uploading of country based information by Ecotrans, who will develop a series of online tutorials tailored to the report template.
Other Stakeholders Helping with the Report - TourCoop Collaboration
In the collaborative process of developing this report, another 5 EU COSME projects funded by under the same TourCoop umbrella (Of which we are the 6th) are also undertaking research work on current aspects of tourism SME sustainability in their countries, as well as developing SME tourism sustainability training systems, as the ETGG will do. The EU does not wish to see any conflicts or competition arising between our project and the others, rather it wishes to see us collaborate with them and vice versa.
To learn more about the ETGG 2030 Project click here.