Folder Module 1: Assignments

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Student Tasks

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 1.1.1 Overview module

 1.1.2. Linkage to other modules/SDGs

No self-assessment



Basics on climate change

1.2.1 Introduction to climate change

1.2.2 Understanding and assessing climate change scenarios

1.2.3 International climate change policies

Task 1: How much has your home country been affected by extreme weather events in the past five years? Do a short online research on extreme weather events in your home country and list the impacts. Prepare a 5 minute presentation.

Task 2: The January 2019 brought record low temperatures to the United States. President Trump wrote on Twitter: "What the hell is going on with Global Warming? Please come back fast, we need you!" Prepare a five minute presentation and contrast the arguments of the climate skeptics with those learned in the last lessons.



Tourism on climate change

 1.3.1 CSR history, approaches, definitions

 1.3.2 Understanding CSR and CSR impacts

Please have a look at the infographic provided by the University of Cambridge (2014): Now specify the impacts of climate change for a selected tourism segment which is important in your home country (e.g. beach tourism, biking tourism etc.). Prepare a 5 minute presentation.



Climate change adaptation

 1.4.1 Understand adaptation

 1.4.2 Plan your own adaptation

 1.4.3 Climate adapted destination and business management

 1.4.4 Climate protection as an approach to climate change adaptation

As a self-assessment, please find three to five best-practice examples of adaptation in the tourism industry searching the internet and argue for each example succinctly in writing why you chose it.



Mitigation and energy resource efficieny

 1.5.1 Understand mitigation

 1.5.2 CO2-Management

To be determined yet.