Good practice destination Treehouses in Catalonia

Contributor Arnau Picó
Country Spain
  • Treehouses in Catalonia
  • ecoact
Release date 19/11/2018
Landscape type Forest
  • Destination Management
  • Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
  • Cultural Heritage, Life Styles & Diversity
GSTC Criteria for Destinations
  • A: Sustainable management
  • A1 Destination management responsibility
  • A2 Destination management strategy and action plan
  • A4 Enterprise engagement and sustainability standards
  • B: Socio-economic sustainability
  • B6 Property and user rights
  • C4 Traditional access
  • D: Environmental sustainability
  • D.5. Energy conservation
Marketplace category Accommodation Providers Accommodation Providers
Type Best Practice Destination (Best Practice Destination)
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Good Practice Innovation Sheet
Items Description
1. WHO
Key people and organisations (initiator, leader, partners)  Masia la Vileta (Sant Hilari Sacalm – Girona)
The homestead The Vileta is a traditional Catalan rural house with an extremely pleasant environment. Built in the 14th century, customers will succumb at the charm of the farmhouse and its beautiful surroundings.
Key Figures Surface Inhabitants Tourism arrivals Tourism nights
 --  --  No data No data
2. WHY
Reason for taking the good practice action Capacity to take advantage of the forest and its materials to create an ecotourism experience by building treehouses in the middle of the woods.
Issues and challenge  Isolated area with a lot of environmental resources but no ideas for creating new business and region development regarding ecotourism.  
3. HOW
Methods /steps / tools used (to develop the good practice) Using the natural resources from the area (mostly forestry area) and building treehouses with local materials and ecological water systems as well.           
Specific/measurable results, benefits 10 different treehouses in a widespread area with la Vileta acting as the central hosting point. They have almost all treehouses booked for the entire year one year before.  
Recognitions (e.g. awards)  --
Lessons learned It is possible to create a successful ecotourism business by only using wood resources and emplacing them in the middle of the nature, which brings a huge added value to the project. 
Challenges met Technical difficulties when building, hard to find balance between wellbeing and natural materials (no chemical products).
Critical success factors Comfort of the costumers, provide a complete peaceful experience, to be completely surrounded by nature.
6. MORE 
web-references, documents