Survey details

-2283 days left for this survey.


The fields marked with * are mandatory.

Fill the questionnaire and click the Submit button at the end. Login with your account if you wish to save an interim version.


Collecting Expert Opinions on Sustainable Tourism Development 2018 -2030

On our 25th Anniversary Event at ITB Berlin on March 8th, we launched a Tourism2030 Countdown Clock that will help us all better coordinate the multi-stakeholder, multi-level, multi- sector knowledge alliance we need to be part of to make the implementation process work in the remaining 3 policy cycles left.

More than 100 experts around the world took this online survey in February. The results so far will be published on the Tourism2030 Countdown Clock.

To allow all interested stakeholders to participate we leave this survey open until the end of 2018. Please take 5-10 minutes to give your view on the major challenges and solutions we need to meet the tourism 2030 goals.

Thank you for your participation!

Kind regards

Herbert Hamele - Marion Hammerl - Gordon Sillence - Karl Reiner

If you think back: What has been the burning issue for Sustainable Tourism development in the last 25 years?

(Please limit your answer to 2-3 short sentences)

With relation your burning issue: And what is the key challenge now for tourism in Europe or worldwide in the next 12 years until 2030?

(Please limit your answer to 2-3 short sentences)

Regarding the challenge above: What would be a real milestone until 2022 and/or 2026 and/or 2030 to show that the tourism sector is doing a good job?

(Please limit your answer to 2-3 short sentences)

Which of the following 10 key topics are most relevant to your milestone?

Please select up to 3 topics.

If this milestone would be realised: to which of the following Sustainable Development Goals 2030 would it mainly contribute?

Please select at least one of the SDGs?   

To which category belongs your organisation?

What is the name of your organisation?

In which country are you living?

If you wish to share your statement with the Tourism2030 community please enter here your name.

If you wish to join the Tourism2030 Countdown Clock and to receive the summary of the survey results please leave here your Email address.

Optionally, you can provide an email address where you will receive a password and instructions to edit your answers after submission. The email address is not part of the answer and visible only for administrators. In case you'd like to provide a real anonymous answer - please do not use this feature.