Folder EU COSME TOURCOOP 2020 -2030

To diversify the EU tourism offer, the European Commission offers co-funding through the COSME programme to sustainable transnational tourism products.
The first six projects listed below are being co-financed under the 2019 call for proposals ‘Boosting sustainable tourism development and capacity of tourism SMEs through transnational cooperation and knowledge transfer’ (COS-TOURCOOP-2019-3-01)

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Boosting sustainable tourism development - together!

To make best use of the EU funding and to create synergies these projects are striving to

  • share research into post Covid-19 sustainable tourism
  • share tools and good practice examples
  • share dissemination channels and events
  • agree in country strategies where necessary
  • formulate a common set of tools and services in a post project clustering process
  • and pilot the European Sustainable Tourism Cluster as a driver for achieving the SDGs


TOURCOOP 2020: 6 European projects ...

... with 52 partner organisations in 18 countries


TOURCOOP Platform: Sharing for Synergies (restricted)

SHARING FOR SYNERGIES Certificates for SMEs Good Practice Collection  tools for capacity building  Events  SME map


Contact the administrator: Herbert Hamele/ECOTRANS