2016 - 2017

(determinded until December 2017)
Discover Eco-Romania, a tool for nature conservation, local development and education
ECOTRANS is providing technical support to AER, Romania, with financial support from the German Environment Foundation. German project title: "Umweltkommunikationsmaßnahmen zur Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Tourismus im Nationalpark Călimani-Dornaland und weiteren Modellregionen in Rumänien"
The project aims to bring additional values for nature conservation integrating it into a modern concept of ecotourism destination, where protected area administrations together with local municipalities and tourism businesses are in partnership. The main reason for the partnership will be to guide the whole micro-region towards sustainable development and to better use the protected areas for education and communication about the natural and cultural values of the destination for visitors.
Sustainability in tourism: A guide through the label jungle
In the handy brochure the leading international quality labels for accommodation providers, travel offers and tour operators are presented and their credibility evaluated. Who is behind the certification system? Are the criteria transparent and have they been published? Is the verification procedure reliable? Are all subject areas of sustainability included? „In the new edition, the focus remained on sustainability labels in the German-speaking countries as well as in popular European holiday countries“
Booklet (44 pages) with structured description of 20 leading sustainable tourism certificates worldwide and a compiled list of 30 additional labels, published in German language (March 2016) and English language (March 2016) by NFI, Brot für die Welt, Tourism Watch and ECOTRANS.
Labelguide 2016
The SECTEUR project (Sector Engagement for C3S - Translating European User Requirements)aims to understand the requirements of climate information across a number of sectors: agriculture, forestry, coasts, health, transport, insurance and tourism. The project is co-ordinated by the University of Leeds, the project partner TEC is responsible for the tourism sector, ECOTRANS is contributing as so-called sector champion.
SECTEUR (2016-2017)
For more information please contact@ecotrans.de