Good practice destination Ortenia - Apartments in nature

Contributor marija imperl
Country Slovenia
  • ecoact
Organisation Ortenia
Postal address Škofja gora 36, SI-3254 Podčetrtek
Phone 00 386 (0)3 5824 197
Fax 00 386 (0)5 9998 722
Cell phone 00 386 (0)40 373 331
Release date 03/01/2018
Landscape type Rural
  • Climate Change - Energy and Resource Efficiency
GSTC Criteria for Destinations
  • B2 Decent work and career opportunities
  • B6 Property and user rights
  • D.4. Greenhouse gas emissions
  • D.5. Energy conservation
  • D.6. Water Management
  • D.7. Water security
  • D.8. Water quality
  • D.9. Wastewater
  • D.10. Solid waste reduction
  • D.11. Light and noise pollution
Marketplace category Certified Green: Accommodation Providers Certified Green: Accommodation Providers
Type Best Practice Destination (Best Practice Destination)
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# File name Contributor Release date Uploaded by Upload date Size Content type
Good Practice Innovation Sheet
Items Description
1. WHO
Key people and organisations (initiator, leader, partners) Ortenia - Apartments in nature
First eco-friendly apartments in Slovenia, opened in 2014.
Valerija Toplišek, manager of the apartments
Key Figures (Podcetrtek municipality) Surface Inhabitants Tourism arrivals Tourism nights
 60,6 km² 3353 99856 337499
2. WHY
Reason for taking the good practice action Creating and developing a wholesome eco-estate concept.
Issues and challenge Higher beginning costs;
Lowering costs;
Finding and using sustainable materials;
3. HOW
Methods /steps / tools used (to develop the good practice) Apartments were designed using the principle of innovative sustainable construction and built with healthy, natural materials. A whole range of substainable elements that adorn the interior of the apartments (clay plaster, stone, solid wood furniture, decorative and functional eco-accessories, accessorries from nature, ...) were used and nature was brought even closer with the transparency of the outer walls through which the natural environment is projected into the rooms. Buying and installing high energy saving appliances, using renewable energy sources. Buying local as much as possible. Educating and informing guests and locals.
Specific/measurable results, benefits

The visible parts of the building are made of wood, insulation material inside the walls is of cellulose fibre, and is fitted with natural sealing materials. The facades, clad in wood, are built using the diffusion-open wall construction, allowing the building to breathe. Humidity in the interior is balanced by clay plaster. Heating for water and rooms uses a renewable energy source – water pumped from a depth of 80 metres. The water tank collects rainwater from the roof, which is then used to flush sanitary appliances and water outside areas. The furnishings of the apartments and common areas are of solid, untreated oak and beech wood from a Slovenian manufacturer. All the fabrics used are of natural origin, and towels are made of organic cotton. The rooms are adorned with hand-made decorative items and accessories created by Slovenian designers. Certified organic cosmetics are also available.

Use of sustainable materials lowered long-term costs. Lower costs also due to renewable energy sources. Cooperation with local entrepreneurs, manufacturers, designers, and thus helping local economy. Appealing to environmentally conscious guests, connecting them to nature. Promotion of local products. Minimum negative impact to the environment.

Recognitions (e.g. awards) Eco Hotels certified
Slovenia Green Accommodation
Green Globe Certified
Lessons learned Consistency - sustainability should be a part of everything in your story. Having a clear vision and goals. Connecting with local community.
Challenges met Deciding on the materials to use, finding the manufacturers and designers locally, using products with 0 km as much as possible, reducing costs, connecting with local community and cooperating with other local providers, working together in creating a story
Critical success factors Consistency; Use of sustainable natural materials; Cooperation and connecting with local environment; Reliable and educated employees.
6. MORE 
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