Survey Spotlight on Irresponsible Tourism - Survey

Survey details

-3861 days left for this survey.


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Fill the questionnaire and click the Submit button at the end. Login with your account if you wish to save an interim version.


We highlighted 4 major examples of unsustainable tourism at the VISTAwards 2014 during ITB. Here you get the chance to vote for which of these is really the worst!  You can find further information about these irresponsible tourism examples here

Check one box

We will link you to our Spotlight on Irresponsible Tourism news channel on DestiNet.

Optionally, you can provide an email address where you will receive a password and instructions to edit your answers after submission. The email address is not part of the answer and visible only for administrators. In case you'd like to provide a real anonymous answer - please do not use this feature.