Good practice business HIDRODOE

Contributor Herbert Hamele
Country Belgium
  • ETGG2030-GP
  • ETGG2030-MAP
Organisation HIDRODOE
Postal address Haanheuvel 7, 2200 Herentals, Belgium
Release date 08/04/2022
Landscape type Urban
  • Good Governance & CSR
GSTC Criteria for Industry
  • A1 Sustainability management system
  • A3 Reporting and communication
  • A4 Staff engagement
  • A5 Customer experience
  • B6 Equal opportunity
  • B7 Decent work
  • D1.3 Energy conservation
  • D1.4 Water conservation
  • D2.1 Greenhouse gas emissions
  • D2.3 Wastewater
  • D2.4 Solid waste
Marketplace category Certified Green: Attractions Certified Green: Attractions
Type Best Practice Business (Best Practice Business)
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Certified by Green Key





Protected areas nearby:

City of Herentals and local nature reserves

Certifying body:

Green Key


Outstanding contributions


Hidrodoe is a science museum and visitor attraction dedicated to water. The central part of Hidrodoe is Waterworld, where visitors can have experiences and perform experiments relating to water.  The attraction was founded by its parent company Pidpa, the water supply company of the Antwerp province, in 2003.   Hidrodoe is a leading attraction in the sustainability of its operations.  It has received certification from Green Key eleven times and is also ISO 14001 certified. Pidpa is a UNITAR SDG Pioneer.

Relating to the theme of the attraction, Hidrodoe takes various actions in water management. Its goals include reducing water use by over 50%; infiltration of all collected rainwater; upcycling of sanitary waste using innovative techniques such as phosphorous removal with iron oxide coated sands; and other measures towards a circular water management. The urinals do not use water.

A climate plan is drawn up, with concrete actions to reduce energy consumption and emissions, supported by a multidisciplinary working group on rational energy management and periodic energy audits. Actions include: use of 100% green energy including own solar panels; digital metering devices; use of glass film insulation; electrical car charging points. A heat pump, using warmth from nearby drinking water cellars at constant temperature, is being installed.  Various measures are used to reduce waste, including collection and recycling, and cooperation with food waste reduction schemes. Local and vegan food is offered and Hidrodoe sells its own beer in collaboration with a local brewery.

The surrounding area is quite small, but includes woods and wildflower meadows which are ecologically managed.  Varius actions are taken to involve employees and visitors, notably schoolchildren, in environmental activities and education, including: litter cleans (‘plogging’ events – jogging+litter-picking); exhibits/games that demonstrate impact of human activity and behaviour; and strong promotion of the benefits of using tap-water (500 time less carbon footprint than bottled water).

Pidpa is a sustainable employer, promoting non-discriminatory employment and a good work-life balance. It offers various training to staff, including on stress prevention and sustainability. Use of public transport is reimbursed and a bicycle allowance is offered. More widely, partnerships have been established with various local and national tourism, water, community and accessibility bodies. Water projects in developing countries are also supported.

Key SDGs related to this action


See: Tourism for SDGs - Recommendations for Companies
