CoP 27 - Collaborative Action Planning
This page provides further information on the development of the Travel Green Planet Initiative in the light of the CoP 27 Climate Change discussions. Ecotrans is announcing the development of the global and European collaborative clustering approach to bringing stakeholders together to development sustainable tourism supply chain certification. This event will bring stakeholder up to date with the state of play of everyone's current contribution and plan further coordinated multi-stakholder actions in 2023. The Going Green 2030 System for bring in SMEs to 3rd party certification will be highlighted alongside the global and European clustering processes that are taking place.

Travel Green Planet Clustering Meeting
WED, 30th November 2022, 15:00 - 16:00 (CET)
Travel Green Tourism - How do We Get There by 2030?
A discussion panel will present the work of key stakeholders who have developed systems to support SMEs and destinations to develop sustainable tourism. Dr Richard Denman will host the discussions, focusing on the implementation of the ETGG 2030 Going Green system with contributions expected from UNEP, WWF, GSTC, Green Destinations, SUnX and other stakeholders. Dr Cinzia de Marzo will present the European policy perspective to give an overview of potential EU support programmes to move sustainable tourism development forward in 2023. The circular economy, supply chain certification, the knowledge economy, networking and clustering and the digital transformation will all be subjects covered in the discussions on how to avert the worst excesses of global changes.
The discussion will be using the tourism sustainability certification clustering process developed i n theETGG2030 projec tot make practical ICT links between stakeholder using common data related to sustainable tourism certification.
Should you or your organisation wish to join the discussion please contact
Go to last year's CoP 26 Tourism as a Driver for Climate Neutrality Stakeholders presentations -
including the Travel Green Planet Stakeholder Collaboration Certification Clustering for SDG 12 Overview.