Good practice business WARFTHOF WOLLATZ

Contributor Herbert Hamele
Country Germany
  • ETGG2030-GP
  • ETGG2030-MAP
Postal address Hellschener Chaussee 14, 25764 Süderdeich
Release date 08/04/2022
Landscape type Rural
  • Good Governance & CSR
GSTC Criteria for Industry
  • A7 Buildings and infrastructure
  • D1.1 Environmentally preferable purchasing
  • D1.3 Energy conservation
  • D2.1 Greenhouse gas emissions
  • D2.2 Transport
  • D3.1 Biodiversity conservation
Marketplace category Certified Green: Accommodation Providers Certified Green: Accommodation Providers
Type Best Practice Business (Best Practice Business)
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Certified by Sustainable Holiday Residence


Farm based accommodation



Protected areas nearby:

Waddensee UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site

Certifying body:

Sustainable Holiday Residence


Outstanding contributions

The Warfthof Wollatz offers farmhouse rooms, rental cottages and camping on an arable and vegetable farm on the edge of the marshland and mudflats of Germany’s North Sea coast.  A strong feature is made of the agricultural heritage and environment, which guests are able to experience passively and actively.  The farm itself is certified as organic and is managed according to Bioland guidelines.  Many areas and activities are focused on increasing biodiversity, including ponds, wildflower meadows and tree planting. The farm provides a child-friendly atmosphere, with natural contact with many animals.

Electricity is provided partly by 1200 square metres of photovoltaics and partly by turbines making the most of strong winds off the sea. Earlier wind turbines have been replaced by more modern technology, and the farm operates three Enercon E82s with their neighbours which generate enough power for over 6000 single family houses.  Radiant wall heating and earth building technology enables them to work with low flow temperatures. One of the houses has a geothermal heat pump. Charging facilities are available for electric cars and e-bikes. Ecological products and toiletries are used in servicing the accommodation.

Key SDGs related to this action


See: Tourism for SDGs - Recommendations for Companies
