Good practice destination Terma-Kasih-Kusamba

Contributor dienuz
Country Indonesia
  • Trophees du Tourisme Responsable
Organisation Terma-Kasih-Kusamba
Postal address Bali, Indonesia
Release date 30/03/2018
Landscape type Unspecified
Type Best Practice Destination (Best Practice Destination)
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TROPHEE VOYAGE HUMANITAIRE ROUTARD.COM 2011: The project led by Christophe Charpentier, is to create and market boxes tourist souvenirs "like no other." Entirely by the people of Kusamba, paludiers village in Bali, Indonesia, the box sold locally to tourists, will include a book on the origins of salt and salt shakers in Bali. Tourists can discover the unique business paludier, but also contribute, through the revenues of these boxes, fully paid back to the paludiers, increase revenues and sustain their business.