Good practice destination Riij Ib'ooy (CHE)

Contributor dienuz
Country Guatemala
  • TO DO! International Contest Socially Responsible Tourism
Organisation Río Negro Centro Histórico y Educativo
Postal address 3 calle 34-73 z. 11 Utatlán II, 01011-Guatemala, Guatemala
Phone +502 - 5357 0586
Email che@rí
Release date 30/03/2018
Landscape type Unspecified
Type Best Practice Destination (Best Practice Destination)
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TO DO! International Contest Socially Responsible Tourism 2010: The Guatemalan project of an indigenous Mayan community has to be assessed against the backdrop of three decades of civil war. After the dissolution of the USSR and the subsequent transition, the Tajik population in the Zerafshan Valley had hardly any economic perspectives, and many communities in the Southern Thai Province of Phang Na (Andaman Sea) were almost completely destroyed by the devastating tsunami in December 2004. However, what the TO DO! experts in charge reported after their on-site visits on behalf of Studienkreis comes as a pleasant surprise (see award rationales at All the three TO DO! winners meet the most important contest criterion extremely well: They have been developing tourism with the participation of the local population and are thus better equipped to shape their own future.