Good practice destination Municipality of Delphi

Contributor dienuz
Country Greece
  • EDEN
Postal address Municipality of Delphi, Greece
Release date 30/03/2018
Landscape type Urban
  • Destination Management
Type Best Practice Destination (Best Practice Destination)
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According to legend, when Zeus sent out two eagles from the ends of the universe to find the ‘omphalos’, the centre of the world, they met in Delphi. The Delphi region at the south-western spur of Mount Parnassus is an enchanting destination in the heart of Greece. It is a place of harmony and serenity, where the sea meets a jagged coastline, capes, islets and mountains. It is a place of great contrasts; with snowy-white mountain peaks which run down to beaches and crystal clear waters. The municipality of Delphi unites several regions: Amfissa, Delphi, Desfina, Galaxidi, Itea, Gravia, Parnassos and Kallieon. Each region tells a different story and offers an array of tourist attractions.