Good practice destination Bulungula Backpackers Lodge

Contributor andredor
Country South Africa
Organisation Bulungula Backpackers Lodge
Postal address PO Box 52913, Mthatha, 5099, South Africa
Phone +27 47 577 8900
Release date 30/03/2018
Landscape type Unspecified
Marketplace category Accommodation Providers Accommodation Providers
Type Best Practice Destination (Best Practice Destination)
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A remote lodge by a wide, white sand beach on the Wild Coast in the Eastern Cape that's fast becoming a mecca for backpackers. It's a partnership between South African Dave Martin and the local Xhosa community where the emphasis is on getting back to basics: there’s no road to the lodge (the staff collect you from Mthatha, three hours drive away), so there's no light pollution or noise; everything is run off-grid - even the bread is baked on a solar oven - you shower with a bucket, and local fishermen will show you how to catch fish with throw nets, and land crayfish and octopus by hand. Presented on the "Guardian Green Travel List 2010 -