Good practice business GEBECO

Contributor Herbert Hamele
Country Germany
  • ETGG2030-GP
  • ETGG2030-MAP
Organisation GEBECO
Postal address Holzkoppelweg 19, 24118 Kiel
Release date 08/04/2022
Landscape type Unspecified
  • Good Governance & CSR
GSTC Criteria for Industry
  • A1 Sustainability management system
  • A3 Reporting and communication
  • A4 Staff engagement
  • A9 Information and interpretation
  • B1 Community support
  • B4 Local entrepreneurs
  • B5 Exploitation and harassment
  • B6 Equal opportunity
  • D2.1 Greenhouse gas emissions
  • D2.2 Transport
  • D3.1 Biodiversity conservation
Marketplace category Certified Green: Tour operators, Travel agents, Intermediaries Certified Green: Tour operators, Travel agents, Intermediaries
Type Best Practice Business (Best Practice Business)
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Certified by TourCert 


 Tour operator



Protected areas nearby:

Various, in destinations visited

Certifying body:



Outstanding contributions

Gebeco is a tour operator offering programmes in Germany, the rest of Europe and further afield.  The commitment to sustainability, with certification by TourCert, is clearly stated on their website.  Gebeco has developed a catalogue of sustainability criteria (covering accommodation, departure and arrival, transport, visits, sustainability-related activities, food and group size), which must be met in part or in total by all trips.  The criteria are monitored each year and trips that meet all the criteria are marked with a special label.

Gebeco seeks to use accommodation that has been certified by internationally recognised sustainability certification schemes. It also favours accommodation with a close connection to local culture and which uses organic produce. The company takes account of flight-based emissions per overnight stay:  where flights are over 800 km the minimum stay is one week (two weeks if over 3,800 km). The Atmosphere Airlines Index is used to select environmentally efficient airlines, compensation of emissions is promoted, train transfers are included in the offer and the use of domestic flights has been reduced. The use of public transport, bicycles and other low carbon travel options is favoured in destinations.

A key aspect of Gebeco’s approach is its relationship with staff, local partners and communities. Social and environmental projects are supported directly and through engagement with other bodies such as Futouris. An example is the wilderness tracker project with the local Khwe community in Namibia. Guests can visit various aid projects during their trips. Every new employee receives a training course on human rights in tourism. Framework agreements with local partners ensure compliance with human rights and other sustainability requirements.  Gebeco also works with other tour operators and international bodies to promote fair wages, working conditions and social security in the sector and to outlaw child exploitation.

Key SDGs related to this action


See: Tourism for SDGs - Recommendations for Companies