Good practice business COLÒNIA GÜELL

Contributor Herbert Hamele
Country Spain
  • ETGG2030-GP
  • ETGG2030-MAP
Organisation COLÒNIA GÜELL
Postal address c/ Claudi Güell, 6. Colònia Güell., 08690 Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Barcelona
Release date 08/04/2022
Landscape type Protected
  • Good Governance & CSR
GSTC Criteria for Industry
  • A4 Staff engagement
  • A10 Destnation engagement
  • B3 Local purchasing
  • B7 Decent work
  • C2 Protecting cultural heritage
  • D1.3 Energy conservation
  • D2.1 Greenhouse gas emissions
  • D2.2 Transport
  • D2.4 Solid waste
  • D2.6 Minimize pollution
  • D3.3 Visits to natural sites
Marketplace category Certified Green: Attractions Certified Green: Attractions
Type Best Practice Business (Best Practice Business)
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Certified by Biosphere




Protected areas nearby:

Crypt is UNESCO World Heritage site;

Llobregat Delta

Certifying body:



Outstanding contributions

The Colònia Güell crypt is an ecclesiastical building by Gaudi on the outskirts of Barcelona.  It is of major architectural interest and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005. It is a significant visitor attraction but less well known and frequented than the major Gaudi sites in the centre of the city.  Sustainability is seen as an integral part of the management of Colònia Güell as a cultural tourism facility.

Particular attention is paid to recycling and waste management.  This is put across to all employees in their welcome pack and training.  Local companies and craft producers are prioritised in sourcing services and gifts to sell in the shop.  The management body has started to measure the carbon footprint of its activity, to guide the minimization of emissions.  Use of rail to access the site is favoured and a combined ticket has been created for an audio-guided visit to Colònia Güell and transport from central Barcelona, through agreement with the public transport company. Event organisers using the site are informed about how to measure and minimize their carbon footprint.  Noise levels are kept to a minimum, helped by restricting guiding to small groups and not using loudspeakers.

Many of the personnel working at Colònia Güell are part time or studying.  This is supported through allowing flexibility in work schedules. These schedules are agreed with the individuals concerned and then made known to all staff through a circular, thereby ensuring transparency. 

A strong relationship has been built with the surrounding area.  Colònia Güell is an active member of the Tourism Consortium of Baix Llobregat and participates in its sustainability training and other activities.  It provides information to visitors on how to behave in the nearby natural area of the Llobregat Delta. It hosts a local cultural festival and works with schoolchildren on education projects such as a mosaic workshop.

Key SDGs related to this action


See: Tourism for SDGs - Recommendations for Companies