Climate change is seen by many as one of the most important current challenges for the sustainability of tourism. Like few other industries, tourism heavily relies on intact natural resources, with climate ranking first together with waters, nature and landscapes, demanding innovative resource efficiency management. Consequently, tourism is affected in many ways by climate change in need to adapt to the impacts of any changes. At the same time, the tourism industry is one of the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, thus the anthropogenic climate change, which demands respective mitigation strategies and measures on their part. This mutual impact furthermore requires fundamental changes in the way many destinations and businesses work to implement energy and resource efficiency and to minimise waste as well as adaptation policies in the face of climate change.
There is a need to improve the (resource) efficiency and impacts of tourism activities, avoiding damage to habitats, minimizing pollution and waste, and conserving precious resources such as water and certain forms of energy, taking every opportunity to innovate as we adapt and mitigate, for example using renewable energy, green technologies and efficient product life-cycle planning processes.
National governments and public amenditites should provide a lead in mitigating and adapting to climate change in the future use of resources, through clear policies backed by actions supported through legislation and funding. This should be reflected in regional and local level planning and management as well as in procurement guidelines.
NGOs, networks, partnerships
International, national and local NGOs and pressure groups are active in exposing climate change and resource depletion issues and in providing advice to different sectors, including transport and tourism.
Research, education, consultancy
Research and education bodies play an important role in raising understanding and awareness of climate change and resource management process and impacts and in seeking solutions through innovations that might include new technologies and behavioral changes.
Actions to adapt to climate change, to mitigate its causes and encourage an efficient use of resources can be best taken at a destination Destinations should fully understand the sustainable shape/performance and pattern of future tourism as well as taking specific management measures to address immediate negative tourism impacts on the destinations' environmental and socio-cultural fabric. They furthermore should be aware of climate change impacts and prepare thems to adapt to it and should also support climate friendly operations.
The sound environmental management of tourism businesses, notably those involved in accommodation and transport, is critical to the impacts of tourism on climate change and vice-versa. Businesses should develop adaptation and mitigation strategies that take account of climate change effects, for example flooding and new market conditions, pursuing carbon-neutral, environmentally responsible, sustainable production.
Climate change and resource efficiency issues point to the need to develop a new culture of tourism and travel, with travellers encouraged and assisted to consider the impacts of their destination and travel choices.