Contact Skálanes Nature and Heritage Centre

The sympathetically renovated Icelandic farmhouse of Skalanes is set within its own nature reserve at the mouth of Seydisfjordur in the East fjords region of Iceland. Dramatic snow capped mountains, cascading waterfalls, vast sea cliffs, vibrant meadows and secluded sandy beaches are all bounded by the sea, making Skálanes the perfect place for relaxation, learning, contemplation and a different pace of life.

With environmental and economic considerations in mind, we are working towards greater self-sufficiency and are in the early stages of developing a smallholding. It currently consists of a vegetable and herb garden, chickens, ducks, pigs and cows, while not forgetting our very friendly dog Bjartur – Lord of Skalanes! Beyond our own produce and nature’s bounty, we source our ingredients as locally as possible and mainly work with raw ingredients to produce wholesome meals for guests. We bake bread and cakes, brew beer, smoke fish and meat, pick berries and wild herbs and gather honey from our hives in the nature reserve.

We are confident that a stay at Skalanes will leave you with not only a greater understanding of the area but also with many happy memories of the place. As a guest at Skálanes you will have access to a wealth of knowledge not only from our staff but also from the various groups who use the centre each summer as a base for study, research and information exchange. The diversity of on-going projects running at Skálanes gives us access to current thinking on subjects such as ecology, natural history, geology, archeology, conservation, traditional skills, self sufficiency, sustainability and many others, all of which we can pass on to you in as little or as much detail as you wish.

Learning is central to the development of Skalanes and will be encouraged and supported by the centre. The site and centre is available as a space where people can interact with nature, history and each other to develop ideas and be exposed to new ones. The open landscape, clean air, abundant wildlife, rich history and modern domestic comforts all help to facilitate learning and personal development.

All open-minded people are welcomed equally and encouraged to contribute to the future of the centre in a way they feel comfortable with. The inter-disciplinary nature of the people who use the centre, and the wide range of activities and experiences available, can allow unexpected connections to be made both physically and mentally. It is this space that we aim to maintain and from this comes holistic learning.

So far we have hosted and worked with many different groups, for example – European funded professional exchange groups, expeditions from Scottish and American universities, various volunteer work parties and eco-tourist groups. Whilst working on many specific projects we are careful to ensure that each activity or piece of work not only relates to an overarching holistic approach to site interpretation, but that each visitor gains an understanding of the entirety of the centre and its activities.
The centre offers grants to help facilitate study relating to the area. These are given in the form of subsidized accommodation, food and facilities. These grants are tailored to fit the project/group. Please contact the centre for more information.

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Firstname Ólafur
Lastname Pétursson
Job Title Owner
Postal Address Skalanes, 710 Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Phone Number +354-861-7008
Released 30/06/2014
Country Iceland
Organization Type Businesses Businesses
Supporting Solutions Type Research, Training, Consultancy Research, Training, Consultancy
Topics Destination Management , Knowledge Networking, Training and Education , Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Operational level National