Contact Recanto Ecológico Rio da Prata

Located in the Bonito region of Brazil's Mid-west, Rio da Prata offers a unique ecotourism experience. At Rio da Prata, visitors hike through the protected forests to the source of a crystal-clear river, where they snorkel in waters so clear, they could be called aquarium-like…if only your aquarium had lots of meter-long dorado swimming in it. The river, whose complete basin is now protected by a Private Natural Heritage Reserve, is full of rare fish and plants. The property, which was once only a cattle farm, also offers horseback riding, scuba diving and birdwatching. To ensure a safe adventure, with quality and environmental respect, all the groups have limited participants and are always accompanied by specialized guides. To date, scientific work within the property has identified 809 species, including three species unknown to science (one rodent and two fish), highlighting the area’s relevance for biodiversity conservation. Every aspect of Rio da Prata’s functioning is eco-conscious. Rio da Prata valorizes regional culture, hiring only local workers, serving traditional cuisine, and selling regional crafts and art. Meals are prepared using organic products grown on site. What is left over is recycled or taken to the worm-farm to be turned into compost and used to fertilize the vegetable garden and fruit trees. Traditional desserts and cheeses are made using milk from the cows which happily co-exist with the tourism operation; demonstrating that the traditional lifestyle of cattle raising can be done in an ecologically-friendly way while still achieving good economic results. Rio da Prata's example has already motivated others in the area to re-address their activities in an environmentally sustainable way, positively affecting the entire region. It was nominated best sustainable project from Guia 4 Rodas in 2007. It is a Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN); and Participant of Brazil Sustainable Tourism Program

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Personal Title Mister
Firstname Eduardo
Lastname Folley Coelho
Job Title President
Postal Address Rua Sergipe, 659 - Jardim dos Estados - Campo Grande - MS - 79020-160
Phone Number (55 67) 3321-3351
Released 06/05/2012
Country Brazil
Organization Type Businesses Businesses
Topics Value Chain Management & Fair Trade
Operational level Unspecified