Contact Projeto Bagagem

Projeto Bagagem is a Brazilian NGO aimed at improving the livelihoods of low-income Brazilian communities by developing and implementing local development alternatives based on community-based tourism. Its main strategy is to support the development of tourism itineraries that benefit primarily the host communities financially, environmentally culturally and socially. Projeto Bagagem’s team identifies established NGOs that are exemplary in their area of expertise. Through a collaborative process, an itinerary is developed that generates income for local communities and a learning experience for the visitors. Projeto Bagegem is winner of the SEED Award 2007, Ashoka and Kellogg Foundation grantee.

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Personal Title Ms.
Firstname Cecilia
Lastname Zanotti
Job Title Founder/Director
Organisation Grãos de Luz e Griô
Postal Address Pontão Ação Griô Nacional Rua Nossa Senhora da Vitória, s/n - Centro - CEP 46960-000 Lençóis - Bahia - Brasil
Released 06/05/2012
Country Brazil
Organization Type Businesses Businesses
Topics Value Chain Management & Fair Trade
Operational level Unspecified