Contact Freeway Brasil

Rio de Janeiro

Freeway operates all over the country, and has more than 30 destinations in Brazil. Its main target are the "tailor made" trips and small groups. For the international market, FreeWay acts as an incoming operator, performing FIT's including the eco destinations along with major conventional highlights. FreeWay is a partner of several tour operators in North America and Europe. FreeWay's policy includes a strong commitment to quality and individuality. The trips offered take in consideration as much as possible community activities and their life characteristics. Freeway always strives to minimize its impact locally. It promotes local culture, trying to build the bridge towards local actors. Its guides are trained and aware of nature preservation and community life issues. FreeWay engages and sometimes leads social movements that are related to the environment protection. They are member of TOI and take part in the campaign against Sexual Exploitation of children in Tourism.

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Personal Title Mr.
Firstname Edgar
Lastname Werblowsky
Job Title founder
Postal Address Rua Capitão Cavalcanti, 322, CEP 04017-000, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Phone Number +55 (11) 5088·0999
Released 26/11/2009
Organization Type Businesses Businesses
Operational level National