Contact Fazenda San Francisco Agro Ecotourism Tours and Lodge

Fazenda San Francisco

Fazenda San Francisco Agro Ecotourism Tours and Lodge is located in the Pantanal of Miranda, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
It has a wide variety of flora and fauna, and gives you the actual operation of a farm: cultivation, production and metier, moving together in the interests of conservation of the environment. Some of the activities are: Birding in Pantanal, Night Safári, Safari Ecological and several other tours. Since the very beginning conservation played an important role in our activities and various conservation projects have been realized. A few years ago the Fazenda received the title "conservative creator - rehabilitation center for endangerd animals" for supporting the reintegration of wild animals which were saved from the illegal commerce.


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Postal Address Street: XV de Novembro, 532 - Centro, Campo Grande - MS - Cep 79.002-140, Brazil
Phone Number +55 (67) 3242-1088, +55 (67) 3242-3333
Released 22/11/2009
Organization Type Businesses Businesses
Operational level National