Contact Favela Tours

Favela Tours offer a tour to the favelas of Vila Canoas and Rocinha, the largest one in the country. Picturesque from a distance, once closer they reveal their complex architecture, developing commerce and friendly people. Most Samba Schools participating in the Carnival parade come from favelas. The tour changes their reputation of areas related only to violence and poverty. Don't be shy, you are welcome there, and local people support your visit. If you really want to understand Brazil, don't leave Rio without having done the FAVELA TOUR. FAVELA tours supports the community school and gives the possibility to sell their artcrafts.

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Firstname Marcelo
Lastname Armstrong
Job Title founder
Phone Number 055(21) 3322-2727
Mobile 55(21) 9989-0074/ 9772-1133
Released 25/11/2009
Organization Type Businesses Businesses
Operational level National