Contact Estância Mimosa Ecoturismo

Imagine a small farm in the middle of the richly forested mountains of the Bodoquena Sierra: you have arrived at Estância Mimosa! Estância Mimosa’s mission is to provide visitors with a unique experience of intense interaction with nature through ecotourism tours focused on innovation, environmental conservation and regional, sustainable development. The main tour is an interpretive trail amidst the forest stopping by at various cascades of all sizes and shapes, where you can swim in natural pools. Along the way, there are small caves, a diving platform and viewpoints with privileged view to the mountains of the Bodoquena Sierra. Other tours are Birdwatching and Horseback riding. To ensure quality, safety and nature respect, the groups are size limited to a maximum of twelve visitors and are always accompanied by a specialized local guide. Estância Mimosa ‘s operation is developed within guidelines for sustainability such as the adoption of minimum impact practices during tourism activities, as well as established practices of safety in adventure tourism, the responsible use of natural resources and constant search to minimize the possible negative environmental and social impacts arising from tourism activities.Estância Mimosa won the Brazil Enviromental Prize for Ecotourism 2009 and is;Brazil Sustainable Tourism Program participant and Release Site for Rehabilitated Wild Animals

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Personal Title Mr.
Firstname Eduardo
Lastname Folley Coelho
Job Title President
Postal Address Rua Sergipe, 659 - Jardim dos Estados - Campo Grande - MS - 79020-160
Phone Number (55 67) 3321-3351
Released 06/05/2012
Country Brazil
Organization Type Businesses Businesses
Topics Value Chain Management & Fair Trade
Operational level Unspecified