Contact El Nagual Albergue


El Nagual Private Heritage Reserve was conceived to be completely self-sufficient. The energy we use is renewable: hydraulic and solar. To grow our vegetables we employ many ecologically-sound techniques and from our produce we manufacture fine foods, such as pates, liquors, jams and jellies, pickles, medical syrups, fruit wines and vinegars. Our Inn has 6 rooms and a total capacity of 20 beds. We have extensive sporting facilities for our guests, such as a swimming pool, sports camp, and some of the best trekking and hiking on the planet! We organize trekking and climbing tours with specialized guides into the wonderful National Park Sierra dos Organs, with its virgin forest and fantastic waterfalls. We take actions to: conserve heat, conserve water, install eco-friendly lighting, reduce oil/gas carbon emissions, compost waste food, recycle wherever possible, use bio degradable cleaning agents, use reclamation building materials, use renewable natural furnishings, source food locally, offer local employment, instruct staff in green practices, include green room info packs, conserve/care for wildlife in our area, We work actively as councilors in the Municipal Environmental, Council.

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Postal Address Rua Capitão Antero, s/n.º Km 3 - Santo Aleixo - Magé - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Phone Number (21) 2630.2625 / 9853.6069 / 9977.0569
Released 18/11/2009
Organization Type Businesses Businesses
Operational level National