Contact Acolhida na Colônia


A Acolhida na Colônia was found in 1998. We are an association of farmers integrated in the network Accueil Paysan (working in France since 1987) with the proposal of valorizing the rural life through ecotourism. Our association is build on the following principles: ecotourism supports the local development, the farmers want to share their tradition and surrounding with the visitors on a basis of mutual respect. What you can expect: Silence and peace. Meals cooked on a wooden stove, desserts ... Leisurely excursions, take a bath under the waterfall, feel the freshness and aroma of the Atlantic Rainforest.
72 waterfalls is the official count in the municipality. Get to know the natural hideaways in the hills of the organic farmers, a unique experience. Besides the water and forest trails you´ll have the view of many splendoured rocky walls. And after all of this enjoy the Colonial Coffee Houses with their german and Italian gastronomy and wines. If you like artwork you might want to stay at the Schiller´s. Alfred is a gentle and talented artisan, his machines and tools are from the family treasure chest and still moved by the water mill

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Postal Address Acolhida na Colônia - Central de Reservas e Informações, Santa Rosa de Lima, Santa Catarina - Brasil,
Phone Number +55 (48) 36540186, (48) 3256 0131 or (48) 3256 0188
Released 25/11/2009
Organization Type Businesses Businesses
Operational level National