Contact University "Stefan cel Mare" Suceava

Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava is a public university located in the north-eastern part of Romania( In 2005, the University adopted the principles of the Bologna Declaration and of the Magna Charta Universitatum. All 10 faculties of our University provide 3-4-year undergraduate (around 45 academic fields) and 2-year master programmes (around 40 academic fields), as well as PhD training in 15 doctoral fields.

The faculty was founded in 1990, with a single specialization, The Management of Commerce & Tourism Firms. Currently over 4000 students are studying in the 9 undergraduate programs, 8 master programs and 3 doctoral programs. The FSEAP is hosting the CERC TourCenter for Research and Resources in Tourism and is a leader in the region in tourism academic training.

Name of Bachelor programme(s) that is/are relevant for Triangle KA

 ECTS – Economy of Commerce, Tourism and Services

Duration and ECTS of above programme(s)

3 years, 180 ECTS

Keywords describing above programme(s), especially its/their sustainable tourism content

The study program is focused among others, through applied research projects, on the preservation of cultural landscape of Bucovina area (

Language(s) in which programme(s) is/are taught


Name of Master programme(s) that is/are relevant for Triangle KA  

PlANNET – Planning of New Tourism Products and Destination Management

Duration and ECTS of above programme(s)

2 years, 120 ECTS

Keywords describing above programme(s), especially its/their sustainable tourism content

The master degree programme PLANNET offers a modern approach of the education in the tourism field, the main focus being destination management. Plannet is a joint study program (double diploma study program), being developed in cooperation with University of A Coruna, Spain.

Language(s) in which programme(s) is/are taught


Internship: yes/no, compulsory/voluntary

 Yes / compulsory

Semester and duration of internship

4th semester, 3 months

Business networks (relevant to Triangle)

 APT Bucovina – Association for Promotion of Tourism Bucovina




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Firstname Carmen Emilia
Lastname Chașovschi
Department Centre for Research in Management and Business Administration
Postal Address Str. Universitatii nr.13, Suceava 720229
Released 27/05/2023
Country Romania
Organization Type Education, Research, Consultancy Education, Research, Consultancy
Expiry date 29/09/2019
Operational level Unspecified