Certificate Biosphärengastgeber

Hotel owners and restaurateurs of the Biosphere Region Swabian Alb have formed a cooperation of biosphere hosts in order to show their close bond to this unique cultural landscape and their dedication to their work.
Certifying Organisation
Partner Organisation/s Biosphärengebiet Schwäbische Alb, Schmeck des Süden Gastronomen Baden Württenberg, Emas
License Period (years)  
Certified Tourism (nr) 18

 ADDRESS: Bei den Thermen 2, 72574 Bad Urach, Germany

Organisation Biosphärengastgeber
Phone Number +49 7125 1485 09
Webpage http://www.biosphaerengastgeber.de - open in new window
Released 18/12/2022
Country Germany
Certified categories
  • Certified Green: Accommodation Providers Certified Green: Accommodation Providers
  • Certified Green: Restaurants & Catering Services Certified Green: Restaurants & Catering Services
Operational level Local
Sustainability Unspecified
Credibility Unspecified
  • Certified tourism map on Tourism 2030