Contact Kitti Baracsi

Tha aim of 'La Kumpania' is to foster the intercultural understanding by creating a mixed group of jobless Roma and Italian women in order to create a space for collaboration and sharing cultural experiences through cooking and by the establishment of a social enterprise in order to create a possibility for economical development. Cookery is a common language and a powerful “space” of encounter and provides the chance to improve their life in multiple aspects. We offer catering services in our restaurant and cultural programs.

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Firstname Kitti
Lastname Baracsi
Organisation Chi rom e... chi no Association
Released 01/07/2012
Country Italy
Organization Type Businesses Businesses
Marketplace Type Certified Green: Restaurants & Catering Services Certified Green: Restaurants & Catering Services
Topics Natural Heritage & Biodiversity , Human Rights & Labour Rights
Operational level Local

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