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CCE, HRT and the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar signed an agreement of cooperation in 2006 launching DESTqual quality evaluation as a national project with the aim to raise awareness and responsibility for the competitive and sustainable development of Croatian tourism.

DESTqual method of quality control in Croatian tourist destinations developed a six-year research database (2006.-2012). Presenting  the results of tourism quality in selected Croatian destinations.

With growing competition, the quality of the supply and service in tourism becomes an important competitive advantage because it •represents one of the determining factors of satisfaction and customer loyalty (consumers),  is directly is connected to level of profit and long-term success, provides inputs for sustainable management of destinations.

The aim of the project was to empirically establish the elements of quality and their relevance ranking, translate these findings into relevant criteria (standards) and build a system that will allow effective maintenance and continual improvement of quality of destinations involving all stakeholders in an integrated approach.

DESTqual quality evaluation of tourism supply proves to be a useful and important tool for developing effective tourist strategies, based on objective facts. It also provides direct insight into the true quality of the tourism supply integrating all stakeholders providing valuable feedback for quality management of tourism supply. Basically it allows a comparison of characteristics between destinations and an analysis of changes over time resulting in sustainability and quality improvements.”

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Personal Title PhD
Firstname Saša
Lastname Poljanec Borić
Job Title Senior Research Associate
Organisation Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar
Postal Address Marulićev Square 19, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone Number +385 1 4886 813
Released 01/11/2012
Country Croatia
Organization Type NGOs, Partnerships, Networks, Projects NGOs, Partnerships, Networks, Projects
Topics Certification & Marketing
Operational level National