Paris 2024 Olympic Truce Peace Ambassadors Programme
This space will organise the 2024 Paris Olympic Truce Peace Campaign, which is more than ever needed in the is time of military escalation and the current Ukraine tragedy.
'Paris Olympics '24 - Make Ukraine the Last War'
Apartheid and Genocide No More...
is the campaign message of our Paris 2024 Olympic Truce.
Our mission to establish a network of reporters from every country with a war going on still continues.
Our work to mainstream sustainability through large-scale events still continues.
Our community-based peace solutions and youth peace ambassador prgramme still continues.
To bring this all together to build for the Truce at Paris 2024 Olympic Games, we are announcing the
Peace Parks Music Movement
programme to make an Olympic Effort for Global Peace in our Lifetime.
With famine through mass starvation in Gaza and global propaganda demonizing Russia yet glorifying Israel in another ‘panem e circencis’ (give them bread & games) Olympics. ‘We are crucially at the midnight hour of Armageddon in our lifetime, and still we missed this opportunity for a global ceasefire in the form of the Olympic Truce. Worse still ...
... this has been one of the most politicised Games ever, demonizing Russia and glorifying Israel That the Israeli presence was permitted by the hosts and the IOC, and that Russia’s attendance was denied, showed just how engrained politics and sport have always been. The mainstream narrative always says ‘Keep politics out of sport’ yet at these Olympics the world has seen just how much media distortion and damage control is covertly exerted by the military-industrial Zionist networks of financiers, generals, politicians, judges, media personalities and entertainment celebrities that own the Olymic process thorugh its governmental and corporate sponsorship model.
At this Olympics the official calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and the Ukraine have been tokenistic, even antagonistic, with their promotion of the US -UK - EU double standard of omitting Russia yet including Israel, both of whom are committing war crimes. Russia is demonised, Israel is glorified and the Truce ignored, no call for ceasefire heard from President Bach or many governments in attendence.
Palestinian athletes were represented, but over 340 athletes were killed in Gaza since October 7th, training facilities obliterated, food and water rationed to starvation level by the Israeli State, whos athletes were all ex-members of the IDF and many of whom actively supporting the genocide on line, even signing bombs to be dropped on Gaza.
'No bronze, silver or gold medal can shine during yet another Genocide Games ...'
The Paris ’24 Olympic Games – War, Injustice, Weak Institutions.
We held a Peace Parks Pizza Party Summer Peace Camp celebrating peace and calling for a ceasefire in Palestine on the Eve of the Olympic Truce. Marek Juggler launched his new album 'World Peace'
and Peyote for President performed a live version of Palestinian Children.
Thanks to all the musicians, volunteers and Pizza Party Organisers - we raised 600 Euros to give the UNWRA and the Palestinan Children's Relief Organisation.
'Rise Up and Be the Guardians of the Palestinian Children! They will need us for years to come ...'
UPDATE 16th May
The Inner Peace Forest School ‘ Stop the War Paris Olympics ‘24 ‘ programme
Is both a personal and professional appeal to the humanity of all parents in our school and others, parents of whatever nationality, religion or political interest, to put our human morality first and support this peace program in the spirit of empathy and compassion, and as an example to our children at school. Many of you would have read my Xmas ‘Animal Farm Revisited’ post Orwellian story at the end of the year, ending with the animals corralled at the end of the farm, no shelter, no food, no water, wounded, sick and dying. This 31st March Equinox you heard me reiterate the ‘ -Stop the War!’ end of Spring term message.
Now more than 7 months into this online 24/7 ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, I am disappointed in the response I have had from school families despite good communication at our last meeting on this issue. I am hoping the peace program we will run at the school will compensate for a lack of action from the school and its community to date to speak up for the children being killed in our names by our governments. No in my name please. The activities programme will echo the current University protest movement at the school level and link to the Summer Olympic Truce message and the Stop the War campaign in the UK. We will present the programme in the school to raise the awareness of what is happening in the face of the government lies we all hear. One of the most disturbing aspects of this horror show has been the lies that our states tell us to cover up their collusion in this historic injustice. We will involve those students who voluntarily wish to participate in the ‘BDS - No Vote Protest’ and student actions, which we will also be asking you to support at home. I am particularly interested in any Jewish/Israeli families from the school or your friends who could represent the ‘Jewish Voices for Peace’ or ‘ If Not Now’ Organization or similar. A call for a ceaselfire and prisoner/hostage exchange benefits everyone except the military industrial war mongers. None of us wishes to see either ourselves or our children manipulated by the nation state war machine, especially as they all grow up to be of age when the state calls them in a future perhaps darker than this one. . We as parents concerned for humanity must at the same time confront our own nationist indoctrination- to agree eith putting the perverse concept of ‘national security’ above the lives of 1.2 million children living in the same nation - this is moral no no, and we must collectively show our children a moral stance by example. And by deed. For caring words are not enough. So please join in the activities we will be running and really make an Olympic effort with me, our children and the wonderful international community we have here in Peaceful Portugal.
In practical terms we will be working toward a Summer Peace Parks Music Camp with our Algarve star Peyoti with his Zeitgeist song ‘Palestinian Children,’ and former music teacher Marek Juggler launching his World Peace album of songs he wrote here.
The event runs from the 16th of July to the 20th of July and will highlight the start of the Olympic Truce on the 19th of July at the Pizza Party. Camp when we can celebrate the start of six weeks of global peace during the Olympic Games. If only… but … If we could just make that happen in one country - Palestine - and stand up to out government‘s financial military, industrial stranglehold on our culture, our global culture, then we can truly provide a good example to our children by being part of a historical and global statement from the school that puts peace first. We will be inviting other schools to join the program. It will also be linked to the ‘Fridays for the Future’ school activities on Climate Change. The program will be presented on the ‘Awareness Day on Empathy and Understanding’ being held this Thursday. Please contact me for further information on my personal number if you have any questions or wish to join in.
bring back peace to the Holy Land :)
Launch of the ‘Algarve Stop the Wars International Citizens’ Peace Summer Coalition.’
In the spirit of compassionate action we are calling for Algarve International residents from as many countries as possible to form a citizens peace summer coalition to add our voices to end war. With famine and genocide happening as you read this, time, join in coordinated actions to ask our governments to stop funding the war machines in our respective countries. Under our Olympic Truce slogan for this year ‘ Paris Olympics’ 24, Make Ukraine the Last War - Apartheid and Genocide no More!’ Be part of the solution and add your voice and actions –
1) First of all, in support of a ceasefire in Gaza to focus our efforts as Guardians of all children and innocent civilians caught in war, bearing Sudan, the Congo, Chad and the Rohynga in Myanmar in mind.
2) Secondly to stop sending arms, military support and encouragement to Israel immediatel calling for a immediate end to occupation. Join a No Ceasefire No Vote campaign in your country.
3) Thirdly to follow the guidance of Professor Geoffrey Sachs of the UN Sustainability Innovation programme and University of Colombia to recognise the enormous 2 trillion military budget that is spent annually – half of it by the USA and the reast by everyone else – and give 10% to the reorganisation of the UN and re designing Agenda 2030 for Peace and Security based on Sustainabillity First diplomatic and economic solutions.
Yes, we can have a world of 8 -10 billion living in peace prosperity and security in this lifetime!
The aim is to work in online and regional groups to call for this sumer's Olympic Truce at the Paris Games in support the UN efforts of countries such as South Africa and Malaysia alongs several internet basied civil society groups (see Rango’s List!) to reform the UN to be fit for purpose, ie create global peace
Please contact me to ioin in and help organise our Paris Olympics ’24 Summer of Peace campaigning on the Algarve to join inthe call for ceasefire NOW and immediate humanitarian assistance and everything that’s ben said above – with URGENCY PLEASE – A FAMINE LASTS FOREVER BUT THE SUFFERING IS DAY BY DAY< HOUR BY HOUR…
Together we represent a slice of global citizens who have the joy of being international residents in this peaceful and welcoming country. Together we can speak up for justice and a sense of morality to end the political and military cruelty of occupation apartheid ethnic cleansing and genocide raging on our planet, when instead we could all enjoy security peace and prosperity based on our common and civilized humanity.
I am particularly interested in hearing from my Ukrainian, Russian, Israeli/Jewish and Palestinian friends, colleagues and acquaintances who have joined groups such as Jewish Voices for Peace or Stop the War campaigns to bring us into a regional coalition of international community members who share common human morals and wish to stand up and be counted as the Guardians of the Palestinian Children to put an end to war and global apartheid immediately in Gaza to stop this genocidal atrocity of military famine and to build in our lifetimes for our sakes, for he sake of our children and for this blessed planet, we end the war and greed that are tearing us apart.
Please contact me to ioin our Peace campaigning on the Algarve on the call for ceasefire now together. We represent a slice of global citizens who have the joy of being international residents in this peaceful and welcoming country. Together we can speak up for justice and a sense of morality to end the political and military cruelty of occupation apartheid ethnic cleansing and genocide raging on our planet, when instead we could all enjoy security peace and prosperity based on our common and civilized humanity. I am particularly interested in hearing from my Ukrainian, Russian, Israeli/Jewish and Palestinian friends, colleagues and acquaintances who have joined groups such as Jewish Voices for Peace or Stop the War campaigns to bring us into a regional coalition of international community members.
It is one of the ironies of life for the Peace Parks Music Movement that the current escalation of violence in the Gaza strip started on October 7th at a left wing peace music festival ... since then the barbarism of this war has escalated to genocidal proportions, claiming thousands of lives of children - civilian bodies piling up as the inhuman collateral damage of military power struggles over land, labour and oil. The call for Israel, the United States, UK, Germany, France and other western powers to halt their criminal actions against civilians with an IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE AND UNCONDITIONAL HUMANITARIAN AID must be heard by them so they stop their murderous attacks that are perpetuating hourly this unendurable suffering of 75 years of British, Israeli and American colonial apartheid, now in a crescendo of insane militarized state violence.
But we must stand up again in the spirit of one global community - Russians with Ukrainians, Israelis with Palestinians, black and white, old and young, men and women, rich and poor - and assert our global humanity over cruel national sovereignty.
Please set up your own Peace Parks Music Movement event to bring your communities together to find our liberation in this lifetime for all of us, but right now name those who need shaming and support those in urgent need of our voices and actions to create humane conditions for all civilians in Gaza.
Peace Parks Music Movement - Background
The first event to launch the Peace Parks Music Movement programme was held at the Inner Peace Forest Retreat in the Algarve, Southern Portugal on June 21st 2022 where a Peace Garden was opened and a Day of Peace in the Community celebrated though poetry, music and dance. Our event attracted over70 people from 33 countries and we all wanted to live in the same peace and harmony, not in the conflict and misery our governments present us.
UPDATE: Olympic Truce Peace Ambassadors -
Peace Parks Music Movement campaign
- We held a launch event last year on 21st June and to date we have without had responses to run events in 10 different countries! This includes Westminster UNA’s offer to host an event in the UN Green outside the Houses of Parliament in the UK during the Paris ’24 Games
- Breda university plans to make this part of their official student activities and may engage over 200 students in this work bring peace and tourism activities together.
- The IIPT will support the action as a legacy project to mark the retirement of Mr Louis D’Amore, a life time high-level peace campaigner. We link up our work with the IIPT’s own Peace Parks initiative in the Caribbean.
- In Zambia our Peace ambassador Victor Mutanga is using his musical talents to encourage peace,
- Armin Alic is bringing the programme to Bosnia to mark 30 years since that conflict,
- An event is being planned to take place in Ukraine itself to support sustainable recovery of their communities.
- Marek has produced 12 tracks for a peace album as the heart of our peace, music and education education work
- Peace Parks Playlist sitll has John Lennon's Gove Peace a Chance as number 1!
- We have formed a small team working to engage musicians around the world to link the peace and Truce issue and then mainstream the message over the next 14 months.
- We are calling for Truce in Gaza now!
Set up Your Own Peace Parks Music Movement Event!
We have made a Peace Parks Music Movement video from the day that aims to encourage people in other countries to nominate a peace park or garden where they will hold an event to communicate the message of local to global peace built on individual, family and community economic, environmental and cultural security, not military-industrial autocracy.
By Paris 2024 we want all the countries of the IOC participating at the Paris Games who sign up for the United Nations Truce in July-August 2024 to be represented by peace park music movement events during this six week period of peace.
Imagine, 140 Peace Park Music Movement events happening during the Olympic Truce in the summer of ‘24, each one celebrating local to global peace in our lifetime, sharing inner peace through community unity, and you are making it happen …
Please let us know if you want to set up an event in your country. There’s 3 easy steps to take:
1 Send us an email to let us know you are interested
2 Identify a park where you can host an event
3 Develop an event programme for summer ‘24 that can include music and movement to celebrate peace and nature.
We will put your event on a global map and bring us all into a peace parks music movement global community.
Gordon Sillence:
Nicola Vitali: 0035 1932653 510 Telegram/Whatsapp
Emma Ravelli: 0031 619 607616
"We all need to do it personally when its clear our nation states do not want it for society - they maintain nationalist identities in competition, when we are now becoming one global community, cooperating to build a peaceful, prosperous planet for all, with no-one left behind, remember... do not accept the military-industrial Agenda of the kleptocracy, but let's state our common Agenda for equality and peace with a global voice, together in truely Communitarian Democracy."
21st June 2021
The first event to launch the programme will be held at the Inner Peace Forest Retreat in Southern Portugal, where a Peace Garden will be opened and a Day of Peace in the Community celebrated though poetry music and dance.
A site will be built which will encourage people in other countries to nominate a peace park or garden where they will hold an event to communicate the message of local to global peace built on individual, familiy and community economic, environmental and cultura security, not military-industrial autocrary. By Paris 2024 we want all the countries of the IOC participating at the Paris Games who sign up for the United Nations Truce in July-August 2024 to be represented by peace park music movement events during this six week period of peace.
Sunday 19TH June 2024
MORNING YOGA AND MEDITATION PROGRAMME 08.00am - 11.00 am Yoga Teachers Unite!
(World Yoga Day and Solstice Celeberation)
COMMUNITY LUNCH - WORLD FOOD THEMES (Bring a dish to share) 13.00hrs - 15,00 hrs
AFTERNOON & EVENING LIVE MUSIC 15.00 PM to Midnight: Mad Marek Juggler, Mina, Anisha Melody and more...
Global video links to: (proposed) Rocky Peter, Victor Mutanga
Olympic Truce Paris 24 Peace Message from Gordon Sillence - 'No Sustainability without Community, No Peace without Equality'.
If you wish to organise a similar event in your country then link to us to offer support, join in or tell us know what you will do and lets' lead the Way to global peace on earth in our lifetime, together! Its the only way...