Expert group section
An ECOTRANS expert group will deliver key information on the relevant topics and develop a framework for a sustainable tourism observatory concept.
ECOTRANS experts group (topics):
- Richard Denman, directing the group (destination management)
- Herbert Hamele (certification and marketing)
- Gordon Sillence (knowledge networking, SCP & tourism)
- Marion Hammerl (natural heritage)
- Francesca Conti (cultural heritage)
- Ghislain Dubois (climate change)
- Karl Reiner (travel and transport)
- Naut Kusters (supply chain management)
- Mikael Backman (training ans education, project partner)
- Ian Salter (SCP & tourism, good governance)
Supporting organisations experts:
- UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
- UNWTO - UN World Tourism Organisation
- EEA - European Environment Agency
- ETC - European Travel Commission
- DTV - German Tourism Association
- Italian Ministry for Economic Development
Additional experts at project partners and other organisations may be invited to contribute.