Biosphere Destinations Initiative
The Biosphere Destinations Initiative (found 2015) was presented by ECOTRANS at the World Congress of Biosphere Reserves 2016 in Lima. In 2016 at UNESCO MAB workshops in Italy and in Greece the concept of "Green Travel Maps" for Biosphere Reserves in Europe was recognised as promising approach and tool to raise the sustainability level of tourism in the destinations with Biosphere Reserves, to support regional development, to strengthen collaboration and exchange, and to contribute to the Lima Action Plan 2025 and SDGs2030. These results led to the first "Biosphere Destinations - Green Travel Maps" and the "Biosphere Destinations Exchange" concept.

Biosphere Destinations - Green Travel Maps, pilots in Germany and Spain
Biosphere Destination Initiative - at UNESCO WCBR, Lima 2016
Biosphere Destinations Initiative- at UNESCO workshop, Chania 2016
"Biosphere Destinations Exchange" Concept 2018