Contact Buzzing Bee

Our firm Buzzing Bee provide supplies that are required during beekeeping and could easily be used for beginners that have recently started beekeeping as a hobby or professionals that are working in beekeeping industries. Our beekeeping suits generally consist of heavy duty material pants, a protective jacket, wrist length gloves, a hat attached with a mesh veil along with ankle length boots.

We carry a thorough line of Bee suit, beekeeper jacket, beekeeping gloves, veils, and also some on demand items like hive kits and hives along with beekeeping tools, tracheal mite controls and queen rearing equipment’s . Equipment’s for honey extraction and supplies used during hygienic bottling of honey are also accessible by our company that are essential items to enhance the experience while beekeeping which would provide nontoxic breeding grounds for the bees.

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Personal Title Beekeeper suit
Firstname Buzzing
Lastname Bee
Job Title CEO
Department Management
Organisation Buzzing Bee
Postal Address 20148
Phone Number 2026387956
Released 24/06/2021
Country United States
Organization Type Businesses Businesses
Expiry date 19/06/2025
Topics Certification & Marketing
Operational level National