Good practice destination  MODUL IV: The ‘Islas Atlanticas de Galicia’ National Park, Galicia, Spain

Contributor Anna Kibireva
Country Spain
  • green destination
  • Protected Areas
  • Conservation Management
Organisation Visitor Center
Postal address Rúa Palma 4. Casco Vello - Vigo (detrás da Colexiata de Vigo)
Phone +34 886 21 80 90
Release date 27/09/2019
Landscape type Coastal
  • Destination Management
  • Certification & Marketing
  • Knowledge Networking, Training and Education
  • Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
  • Cultural Heritage, Life Styles & Diversity
  • Good Governance & CSR
GSTC Criteria for Destinations
  • A2 Destination management strategy and action plan
Marketplace category Destinations Destinations
Type Best Practice Destination (Best Practice Destination)
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Good Practice Innovation Sheet
Items Description
1. WHO
Key people and organisations (initiator, leader, partners)  The ‘Islas Atlanticas de Galicia’ National Park, Galicia, Spain
Key Figures Surface Inhabitants Tourism arrivals Tourism nights

  four island groups

(Cíes, Ons, Sálvora and Cortegada (Atlantic islands)


2. WHY
Reason for taking the good practice action  It is the only marine-terrestrial national park in Galicia in Spain. As it is a popular tourist destination, the park management actively works on balancing nature protection and visitor satisfaction through the promotion of sustainable tourism practices. Therefore, efforts are made in ecotourism development. As part of this initiative, the Atlantic Islands became certified by the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism of the EUROPARC Federation.
Issues and challenge  
The archipelagos of Cíes, Ons, Sálvora, Cortegada and the surrounding marine environment make up the contrasting granite landscape that characterizes the maritime-terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia. Under its waters are preserved some of the most representative examples of Atlantic marine ecosystems, which treasure a great biological wealth.
Its location, opposite the Rías Baixas, creates a natural barrier to the ocean that accentuates the estuarine environment of the lower estuaries. In the terrestrial environment, the dune systems, the cliffs and the scrub and heather scrubs stand out. In the marine environment, with rocky bottoms, the communities of brown algae forests (Sacorhiza polyschides and Laminaria spp.) That host a variety of living things are important. Marine currents deposit the sands in the most protected areas which, together with the important maërl bottoms (formed by remnants of limestone algae), create means of moving substrate to which living beings must adapt, such as the bivalves that are buried so that the currents do not carry them. Other terrestrial animals of the islands are distanced from the coastal congeners, so that they are differentiated. Good examples of this are the existence of the subspecies of the octopus lizard of Sálvora or the viviparism of the pines of the islands. The Park has been inhabited since ancient times. The islands passed through different hands: the church, the nobility, the army and various administrative entities that, together with the settlers, left their mark: forts, monasteries, mills, barns, palaces, spiers, customs and legends that enrich the islands.
The fishing activity was the main sustenance of the settlers, and the successive crises were the main cause of the abandonment. Only Ons maintains a small population
3. HOW
Methods /steps / tools used (to develop the good practice)  
The National Park considers the involvement of the local population imperative, so it focuses its efforts on disseminating its natural and cultural values ​​in the nearest area. To this end, the National Park has been developing in recent years various programs and activities aimed especially at schoolchildren in the neighboring territory, with a very high participation rate, and the general public whose results are very positive. Our commitment to the promotion and promotion of this emblematic park is reflected in the following activities and programs.
Specific/measurable results, benefits  
The main objective is to recover the biodiversity and marine ecosystems of the park from sustainability.

The sustainability of the project involves integrating the conservation of biodiversity and natural resources in the local population, with the greatest possible participation, above all, of the fisheries sector individually or through the GALPs. It will also work with researchers from the IEO, Intecmar and Galician universities, as well as with third sector entities, vocational training centers, volunteers, city councils, etc.

These recipients, collaborators and beneficiaries will be integrated into the following specific objectives:

1. To promote the knowledge, management and conservation of marine biological resources, especially in the Natura 2000 Network, of marine protected areas in accordance with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and other protected areas and habitats.

2. Collect lost fishing gear and other marine waste.

3. Promote the participation of fishermen in the protection and recovery of biodiversity.

4. Improve the state of conservation, and the capacity of renewal of the natural resources and the biodiversity, facilitating the fulfillment of environmental objectives established at international level, national and autonomic.

5. Integrate equality and sustainability into biodiversity conservation.


The actions to be carried out aim to advance the fulfillment of the specific objectives of the project through a process of participation of the socio-economic sector, so with its execution:

- The knowledge and state of the art regarding marine waste in the territory is fostered.

- A common work direction is defined that facilitates territorial cohesion for a global benefit.

-Activates, eliminating the waste of the territory thanks to the participation of the socio-economic sector and the volunteering.

- Informs the public and involves them in solving the problem, all under horizontal principles of equality and sustainability.
Recognitions (e.g. awards)  Green Destination, Quality Coast
Lessons learned  
Challenges met  
Critical success factors  
6. MORE 
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