Certificate Responsible Tourism Tanzania

Responsible Tourism Tanzania (RTTZ) is a non-profit organization that will encourage and promote a more sustainable tourism industry within Tanzania and it has four (4) levels of certification namely Seed, Sapling, Tree and Fruit and this move makes Tanzania, the second East African state to launch a voluntary certification scheme, after Kenya.

Certifying Organisation Responsible Tourism Tanzania
Partner Organisation/s
Fair Trade Tourism, GreenHotelWorld, BookGreener
Travel Countries Tanzania
Certified Tourism Services

moren than 30

Sustainability Areas Environnement,  Sustainable Business Management, Social- economic  Issues, Historial-Cultural heritage
Transparency link to the standard
Assessment Process On site Third Party Assessment
Market Place Accommodations
License Period 2 Years
International recognition  


See all locations on the map
Organisation Responsible Tourism Tanzania
Postal Address P O box 2657, Arusha, Tanzania
Phone Number +255784294062
Webpage http://www.rttz.org/ - open in new window
Released 18/12/2022
Country Tanzania
Certified categories
  • Certified Green: Accommodation Providers Certified Green: Accommodation Providers
Operational level National
Sustainability Comprehensive
Credibility On-site audit
  • Standard published online for free