Certificate Nature's Best, Sweden


Nature`s Best Sweden The Nature's Best was the first national quality and sustainability label for ecotourism industry. Nature’s Best certifies and promotes the best Swedish tour operators and their finest products.


Certifying Organisation The Swedish Ecotourism Society
Partner Organisation/s No Information Available
Travel Countries Sweden
Certified Tourism Services more than 30
Sustainability Areas Economy, Environment, Social Issues

Link to the Standard


Assessment Process Desk-Top First and on Site  Second Party Assessment
Market Place

Tour Operators


License Period 3 Years

GSTC recognised standard for tour operators

See all locations on the map
Organisation Swedish Ecotourism Society
Postal Address Ekoturismföreningen Box 2020 598 02 Västervik
Phone Number +46 (0)490 - 137 50
Webpage http://www.naturesbestsweden.com - open in new window
Released 18/12/2022
Country Sweden
Certified categories
  • Certified Green: Tour operators, Travel agents, Intermediaries Certified Green: Tour operators, Travel agents, Intermediaries
  • Certified Green: Accommodation Providers Certified Green: Accommodation Providers
  • Certified Green: Activities Certified Green: Activities
Operational level National
Sustainability GSTC recognised
Credibility Desk, random on-site audit
  • Standard published online for free