Certificate Hoteles más Verdes

Hoteles más Verdes

The Ecolabelling program of the Tourism Hotels Association Argentina (AHT) is a national program of sustainable tourism certification available for hotels and tourist accommodation.

"GSTC recognised standard" in January 2014

Certifying Organisation Asociación de Hoteles de Turismo de la República Argentina
Partner Organisation/s   Instituto Tecnológico Hotelero
License Period (years)  3-6 Years
Certified Tourism (nr) more than 100


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Organisation Asociación de Hoteles de Turismo de la República Argentina
Postal Address Piedras 383, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone Number + 54 11 52 19 06 86
Webpage http://www.hotelesmasverdes.com.ar/ - open in new window
Released 18/12/2022
Country Argentina
Certified categories
  • Certified Green: Accommodation Providers Certified Green: Accommodation Providers
Operational level National
Sustainability GSTC recognised
Credibility On-site audit
  • Standard published online for free
  • More services