Certificate Ecotourism Norway


Ecotourism Norway  Certified Ecotourism Norway certifies ecotourism services in Norway
Certifying Organisation
Innovation Norway
Partner Organisation/s
GRIP, The Norwegian foundation for sustainable development,the Norwegian directorates for Cultural Heritage and Nature Managemen,the Norwegian government
Travel Countries
Certified Tourism Services
15 >see list   >see map
Sustainability Areas
Economic and Social, Environment, Culture
Assessment Process
On site Second Party Assessment
Market Place
Accommodations, Tour Operators, Travel Packages,  Attractions and Activities
License Period
No Information Available


See all locations on the map
Organisation Innovation Norway
Postal Address 2485 RENDALEN, Norway
Phone Number +47 905 48 863
Fax Number 0047 22 00 25 01
Webpage https://www.hanen.no/en/utforsk/118 - open in new window
Released 18/12/2022
Country Norway
Certified categories
  • Certified Green: Tour operators, Travel agents, Intermediaries Certified Green: Tour operators, Travel agents, Intermediaries
  • Certified Green: Travel Packages Certified Green: Travel Packages
  • Certified Green: Accommodation Providers Certified Green: Accommodation Providers
  • Certified Green: Attractions Certified Green: Attractions
  • Certified Green: Activities Certified Green: Activities
Operational level National
Sustainability Comprehensive
Credibility Desk, random on-site audit
  • Standard published online for free