Certificate EcoDomus

EcoDomus is a marking programme carried out by the Istrian Region Administrative Department for Tourism with the aim of increasing both social and environmental awareness in tourism. The programme is well in sync with the global sustainability goals and guarantees an overall environs and health safety. Facilities bearing the EcoDomus mark have complied with at least 50 basic criteria within 12 categories like Management, waste, water, food and drink, etc.
Certifying Organisation Region Istria, Administrative Department for Tourism
Partner Organisation/s

AZRRI – Istrian Agency for Rural Development

IRTA – Istrian Tourism Development Agency

Natura Histrica, public institution for the management of protected areas and other protected natural values in the Istria county

Tourism Board of the Region Istria
License Period (years)  1 year
Certified Tourism (nr)  53 private accommodation providers

See all locations on the map
Postal Address Obala M. Tita 4, Poreč-Parenzo, Croatia
Phone Number 052/351-602
Webpage https://www.istraecoxperience.com - open in new window
Released 18/12/2022
Country Croatia
Certified categories
  • Certified Green: Accommodation Providers Certified Green: Accommodation Providers
Operational level Regional
Sustainability Comprehensive
Credibility On-site audit
  • Certified tourism map on Tourism 2030
  • Standard published online for free