Certificate Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST)



This certificate is awarded at five levels, from entry level to the maximum level of coverage of the sustainability criteria in all areas. Besides hotel, local tour operators, attractions and car rentals can also be certified.

The label is active since 1997.

GSTC recognised standard (January 2012 and July 2020 )

Certifying Organisation
Costa Rican Tourism Board
Partner Organisation/s
Comisión nacional de acreditación, ICT, UCR, Canatur, CANAECO, INBIO, INCAE, MINAET, UICN
Travel Countries
Costa Rica
Certified Tourism Services
Sustainability Areas
Management, Economic and Social, Environment
Assessment Process
On site Third Party Assessment
Market Place
Accommodations, Restaurants, Travel Agencies,Tour Operators, Car rentals, Attractions
License Period
2 Years


Certified businesses: https://www.turismo-sostenible.co.cr/directorio


See all locations on the map
Organisation Costa Rican Tourism Board
Postal Address San José, Costa Rica
Phone Number (+506) 2299-5800,ext.346 ó 371 or (+506) 2291-5740
Fax Number (+506)2220-3559
Webpage https://www.turismo-sostenible.co.cr/ - open in new window
Released 18/12/2022
Country Costa Rica
Certified categories
  • Certified Green: Tour operators, Travel agents, Intermediaries Certified Green: Tour operators, Travel agents, Intermediaries
  • Certified Green: Transport & Mobility Services Certified Green: Transport & Mobility Services
  • Certified Green: Accommodation Providers Certified Green: Accommodation Providers
  • Certified Green: Restaurants & Catering Services Certified Green: Restaurants & Catering Services
Operational level National
Sustainability GSTC recognised
Credibility On-site audit
  • Standard published online for free