Contact Basquetour

Basquetour is the public company of the Ministry for Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government, created in 2006 to head the promotion and implementation of the strategy for competitiveness established for the Basque Country, defined nowadays in the “Plan for Competitiveness and Innovation for the Basque Country, 2010-2013", in conjunction with the public and private organisations which make up the tourism industry in the Basque Country.

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Personal Title Ms.
Firstname Idurre
Lastname Ostolaza
Organisation Turismoaren Euskal Agentzia, Agencia Vasca de Turismo
Postal Address Alameda de Urquijo 36 - 5° Bilbao 48011
Phone Number +34 94 607 75 82
Released 27/05/2023
Country Spain
Organization Type Governments & Administrations Governments & Administrations
Topics Destination Management
Operational level National