Publication Using natural and cultural heritage to develop sustainable tourism in non-traditional tourist destinations

Release date 03/05/2014
Contributor christine
Original title Using natural and cultural heritage to develop sustainable tourism in non-traditional tourist destinations
Author European Commission
Publication year 2002
Issue date 09/09/2009
Country Europe,
Keywords Eco-Destinet, Sustainable tourism, ecotourism, natural heritage, culture,
Language(s) English
Target group(s) Destinations , Businesses
Topics Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
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This publication is intended for all those who are interested or involved in this form of tourism, be it SMEs, specialized interest groups. Site adminitrations, NGOs, local and regional authorities or tourism professionals. It does not pretend to be a comprehensive analysis of what is after all a very complex and evolving field, it is meannt as an overview of the particularities of developing tourism based on cutural and natural heritage.