Publication Tourism, environment and nature; part 1

Release date 09/10/2009
Contributor christine
Original title Matkailu, ympäristö, luonto; osa 1
Author Hemmi, Jorma; Suomen Pienkustantajat
Publication year 2005
Issue date 08/10/2009
Keywords Eco-Destinet, Sustainable development, environment, environmental impact, nature., rural tourism, tourism, tourism destinations
ISBN 9789529189618
Language(s) Finnish

Comprehensive book describing the relationships between nature and environment and nature, environment and tourism. It describes sustainable tourism, nature tourism and agrotourism and in relation to those ethical aspects, responsibilities and the importance of ecological knowledge. One of the key messages is that a tourist has an impact to nature and in return nature impacts tourism and its structures. Nature itself, without the influence of man, may change the destination and travelling in an instant – as was the case with the tsunami in 2004.

Manuale completo che mette in relazione natura e ambiente e natura, ambiente e turismo. Spiega il significato dei termini turismo sostenibile, turismo naturalistico e agri-turismo e le competenze e l'importanza della formazione in ambito ecologico. Il turista influenza la natura e a sua volta la natura influenza il turismo. La natura stessa, al di là dell'influenza dell'uomo, può modificare il luogo anche in un istante - come è accaduto con lo tsunami del 2004.