Publication Sustainability in Tourism - A Guide through the Label Jungle

Release date 14/01/2012
Contributor Herbert Hamele
Original title Nachhaltigkeit im Tourismus - Wegweiser durch den Labeldschungel
Author C. Plüss, H. Hamele, A. Zotz
Publication year 2012
Issue date 18/12/2014
Country Europe,
Keywords Fast-Lain, certification, guide
Page(s) 40
Document type Booklet
Language(s) English, German
Target group(s) Destinations , Businesses , Travellers
Topics Certification & Marketing
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The 40 pages booklet informs about a selection of 20 leading international and national certificates for tourism services and tour operators with their territorial scope, coverage of sustainablility sections, availability of standards and assessment system. It is completed with an introduction and explanation and further initiatives.