Publication Sustainable ecotourism - integration of conservation and usage in Natura 2000 areas: Ylläsjärvi, Finland

Release date 27/10/2009
Contributor Herbert Hamele
Original title Sustainable ecotourism - integration of conservation and usage in Natura 2000 areas: Ylläsjärvi, Finland
Author Lapland Regional Environment Centre; Fotiou, S; Lundvall, P; Salonen, N; Sievänen, T and Suopajärvi, L.
Publication year 2003
Issue date 26/10/2009
Keywords Eco-Destinet, Natura, Protected area management and tourism, conservation, integration, nature.
ISBN 9521115009
Language(s) English
Internet access (URL)

This document is a report of a three day multidiciplinary workshop organized in Finland for finding out from different perspectives what kind of tools and approaches should and could be used for respecting the Natura 2000 area, but at the same time support.

Relazione di un workshop multidisciplinare tenutosi in tre giorni in Finlandia per scoprire da diverse prospettive quali strumenti e approcci dovrebbero e potrebbero essere utilizzati per il rispetto delle aree Natura 2000 ed al tempo stesso per sostenere il benessere della comunità locale attraverso il turismo.