Publication The Reserves and the Local Authorities: Conflict of Interests and Cooperation

Release date 27/10/2009
Contributor Herbert Hamele
Original title Заповедники и региональная власть: конфликт интересов и направления сотрудничества.
Author Brinih V.A., G. Maikop
Publication year 2002
Issue date 26/10/2009
Keywords Eco-Destinet, Protected area management and tourism, eco tourism, market economy, natural heritage., reserves
Language(s) Russian
Internet access (URL)

By virtue of natural laws and historical traditions, the Russian reserves are front posts of the federal authorities acting in the regions of the Russian Federation. Relations and conflicts between the Ministry of Natural Resources, the local authorities.

In virtù delle leggi naturali e delle tradizioni storiche, le riserve russe sono posti di fronte delle autorità della Federazione Russa. Relazioni e conflitti tra il Ministero delle Risorse Naturali, le autorità locali e i gestori delle riserve sul tema della tutela ambientale.