Publication Industry as a partner for sustainable development: Tourism

Release date 09/10/2009
Contributor christine
Original title Industry as a partner for sustainable development: Tourism
Author World Travel & Tourism Council, International Hotel & Restaurant Association, International Federation of Tour Operators, International Council of Cruise Lines and United Nations Environment Programme
Publication year 2002
Issue date 09/09/2009
Country Europe,
Keywords Eco-Destinet, Sustainable tourism and ecotourism
Language(s) English

This report starts with an overview of the industry today beginning with a summary of key figures and trends. It looks at general industry-wide trends in each of the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, social and environmental), details the implementation measures taken since Rio 92 and sets out future goals. The following sections cite other examples of sustainability issues facing three major segments of the global travel and tourism industry, tour operations, hotels and restaurants and cruise liners, and examples of efforts to address these issues and the future of the field.